E-ISSN :2410-5945 is the International Standard Serial Number of IJCMER (International journal of chemical, material and environmental research.).
Yes, you can submit more than one paper for the same issue on IJCMER.
Impact Factor Journal-Scientific Journal Impact Factor 2018: 7.623 Impact Factor Journal-General Impact Factor 2013- 0.8965 Impact Factor Journal-Global Impact Factor 2015- 0.675
The editorial board is highly committed to the quick review process of the paper. The review process takes the maximum of 4-6 days.
You can submit your manuscript or paper to the IJCMER through online paper submission or on Email ijcmer.editor@gmail.com
IJCMERis a bimonthly frequency journal. It publishes one issue per 2 month.
The acceptance letter is provided after the completion of the review process.
IJCMERis an open-access journal due to this we are charging processing fee.
Open access is the ability of anyone to view and download your article without having to pay. This has been proven to be a good thing, since open access articles are cited more often in other scholarly publications than those articles available only through paid access.
IJCMERis charging $75 USD INR-3500 for the publishing the research and review papers.
You can pay your publication fee via PayPal, NetBanking .
International journal of chemical, material and environmental research. publish
Research Paper,
Survey Paper,
Informative Article,
Case Studies,
Review Papers,
Comparative Studies,
Dissertation Chapters,
Research Proposals or Synopsis
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis from Engineering, Management, Science and Mathematics.